Weighing in

While mommy was soaking in the bathtub I took the opportunity to check out this thing that always makes mommy groan when she stands on it.

Okay I am on........waiting..........

and waiting and........ nothing!!

Mommy, I thought you said that thing was a girl's worse enemy!
It seemed pretty harmless to me
It didn't make me groan!?!!

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10 Tummy rubs:

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hello lil Pebbles,
Ah ha! You have that'THING' that makes your mommy groan when she stands on it too?? I have it also and it makes mom say things that I am not supposed to repeat here.. and also because you are too young to be listening to it.
Don't worry, I think that 'THING' only affects hoomans.. esp. the female variety.. we pups are quite safe.

Bella said...

Hee hee little Pebbles you were very brave t stand on that 'thing' we have one here too & it lives in the bathroom. I think my mummy is afariad of it because she looks at it & then pushes it away and sometimes she will stand on it then jump off so quickly :)

Boo Casanova said...

hey pebbles, nice top knot. i love i love! that machine only make human groan. don't think the disease affect us doggie. LOL

wet wet licks


PreciOus said...

Hi Pebbles, you made me laugh, haha. My sista has one too. She tried to get me on it but I refused. I know what that evil thing does, it shows something and my treats intake get cut down. Geez.


Girl Girl Hamster said...

Pebbles, you're so cute. I wonder why it makes your mom groan. you look perfectly cute sitting on it

~ Girl girl

Scrappy and Pebbles said...

Oh no Precious!!1 is that true. That thing can deprive us of treats! YIKES and here I was believing it only affected the hoomans!!

Duke said...

My mom doesn't like standing on that thing either but sometimes she has to if she wants to weigh Mitch! It somehow makes her feel better when Mitch is in her arms! hehehehe
Do you weigh as much as a loaf of bread yet Pebbles?

Love ya lots,

fee said...

i know that thing too! mom tried to make me sit on it but i kept trying to walk off so she carried me and got on instead. then all of sudden she said i had to go on a diet. so i think that thing is evil too.

Ronin_The_Pug said...

Hi cute cute Pebbles!!! Look at you!! Such a sweet puppy!
Lots and lots of kisses!!!

Myeo said...

The hoomans worry too much dont they.

Boy n Baby

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