We have been gone for so long.

Hello, Scrappy here with an update on why we have been missing.

We never intend to stay way for so long, if at all.   I missed celebrating my 5th birthday with my blogger friends but some things cannot be helped.  You see, when we moved to our new house mommy got very, very, sick, and it was discovered that she has a genetic, and progressive chronic disease. So, she has been very unwell for the past few months. but, is slowly coming to terms with it, and learning how to manage it...... poor mommy, she started a new job when we moved house so it has been hard for her and she has been very sad, but is feeling better each day.  Pebbles and I have been doing our best to make her feel better.

Pebbles is doing well, and we both love our new house where we even have our own room with a view no less.    

Here we are in our..... "doggy room" it is still a work in progress mommy says but Pebbles and I love it just the way it is.  Mommy has a table and chairs at the other end of the room where she can sit and read in the sunshine too.

Just some of our closet.  It takes one whole wall.


Enjoying the view from the window at one end of the room. We love sitting here and watching the birds.


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8 Tummy rubs:

Lorenza said...

Hi, Scrappy and Pebbles!
It makes me so happy to see you again and sad at the same time to know your Mom is having a health problem.
Paws crossed for her. I hope everything goes well.
Your own room?? It is pawesome! Sure you had a great view too!
Kisses and hugs

Duke said...

How wonderful to hear from the both of you! We are so sorry to hear about your mom's health problems and we pray that day by day she gets stronger and back to her old self!
Your room with a sunny view is just beautiful!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Thor and Jack said...

Hi Scrappy and Pebbles!
Welcome back! I miss you!
Sorry to know your Mom is having health problem. I hope she gets better soon.
Wow, you have a great room there!

Love and licks

Myeo said...

Hey Scrappy and Pebbles,

We are so glad to hear from you. We are very sorry to hear about your mom's health problems and we hope that she will get better and stronger. We are sure she will with you guys around.

Pebbles is all so grown up now and she is looking beautiful!

Boy n Baby

Huskee and Hershey said...

OMdoG Scrappy (and Pebbles too), you have been gone for SOOOO long! I am sorry to hear that your mommy's not well. Please give her a hug and kiss from me.
Gee... you mean you n Pebbles have your very OWN room with a view? It's so totally cool! Can I stay over sometime?

Boo Casanova said...

welcome back scrappy & pebbles. sorry couldn't comment earlier coz i have a long weekend with the human. you two look great. please blog more.

wet wet licks


Girl Girl Hamster said...

You 2 still look so cute. Pawsome room you both have. I hope your mom is better. Paws crossed for her

~ Girl girl

Ronin_The_Pug said...

Hey guys! Oh you poor Mummy! Hope she is better now!

WOW! You have your own room? You rock! That's so cool!


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