Mommy, how many sleeps till Christmas?

Ummmmm mommy, Pebbles is asleep on my foot!!
She isn't planning on staying there till Christmas is she??

Thank you, to everyone for your beautiful cards and egreetings
we loved all of them.
we are hoping to get to all your blogs to personally thank you.
Mommy has been rather busy and is sorry we have been neglected.
Weeell, not us personally but, our blog.

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9 Tummy rubs:

Myeo said...

Awe, that is so sweet...

You are a nice brother. We are sure Santa will reward with lots of toys n treats for being nice :)

Boy n Baby

Stanley said...

So glad you guys are back!!!!
Tell Pebbles to get off of your foot, man! You can't let it go to sleep on you.

Goober love & Christmas smooches,

Duke said...

Christmas is right around the corner! What an adorable picture of you both!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

PreciOus said...

Hi Scrappy & Pebbles!

Weeee! I've received your surprise in the mail today!

The dress is so lovely and it fits nicely on me! I love it very much and I'm going to wear it throughout Christmas! *Grinz*

Thank you Scrappy & Pebbles and your sweet Mommy for my special dress! *Muacks*


Anonymous said...

so cute.chech out my shih tzus blog

Joe Stains said...

Not toooo much longer until Christmas, we sure can't wait.

Lorenza said...

Hi, Scrappy
That picture of you two is adorable!
Christmas is almost here! I can't wait!
Have a good night

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Scrappy n Pebbles,
We missed you!! Hmmm...Oh dear.. Scrappy I hope you don't get pins and needles in your foot! You are such a nice brother to Pebbles..

Harry said...

Not too many sleeps now. I hope you can get Pebbles of your foot!

Toodle pip,
Harry x

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