If a picture tells a thousand words

Almost dry......

Poor Pebbles, she was blowing her coat and so needed baths a couple of times a week to help with the matts.... it was a nightmare for all of us. But determination won out ... mommy's that is, as daddy just kept saying cut her hair and Mommy was saying no, no, no and Pebbles just had no say in it no say at all........

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12 Tummy rubs:

Duke said...

OMG, two baths a week is enough to make any doggie crazy! Poor Pebbles! We bet she looks just beautiful all dry and combed up with a pretty bow in her hair!
We're so glad you blogged! We missed you guys!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Joe Stains said...

I would have gone NUTS!

Lorenza said...

I'd love to have 2 baths in a week but I am not so lucky!
I hope Pebbles is doing fine!
Kisses and hugs

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Aw Pebbles is taking a bath... But she looks cute once her hair is all dry up

~ Girl girl

Cassidy said...

The price we girls pay to be beautiful!

Cassidy x

powder-puff said...

Hey Scrappy and pebbles!!

I am so glad to see you blogging again!!

Oh no the dreaded bath! Poor pebbles i know my mum is going to give me one soon too!


Bella said...

oooochi ow ow baths twice a week !! I'm not keen on baths but just grit my teeth & hope it is over sooner rather than later - but drying off is fun isn't it ?? get to rub face & roll on back on the bunch of towels that ma puts down then play bitey face with the hair drier !!
So pleased to see you back on DWB & wishing your health to stay well.

Huskee and Hershey said...

Oh Scrappy!! You won't believe how much I have missed you and Pebbles!! Sorry to hear that Pebbles was sick.. geez.. 2 baths a week can make any pup feel sick! Heheheh...

Murphey said...

Baths are no fun....Glad you are back in blogging action and that everyone is feeling better.


Boo Casanova said...

hello pebbles & scrappy. sorry for not visiting for some time. :(

long hair is always difficult. my pretty gf chiyo's owner require 1 1/2 hours to comb her hair daily. imagine that!

wet wet licks


Myeo said...

Oh no Baths!!!

But she look very pretty after the baths.

Boy n Baby

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the offer of packing for me. I would love to have you go with me. Pebbles you do look a lot better after the bath. Don't you think Scrappy? Thank you for the congratulations.

Love Cathy.

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