
 How people think about their pets 

interesting article for our humans to read....  We (Scrappy and Pebbles) are very happy to read where our mummy and daddy fit in this as we are aware of how loved we are particularly, when our mummy gives up overseas trips to stay home and be with us.... we love you too mummy x x 

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2 Tummy rubs:

Pippa said...

We read that. I feel a Misery blog post coming on ......

I will try and drag her away from the tinties before she gets chance


Lorenza said...

The article is very interesting!
People think my family is crazy because they do everything thinking of me.
I almost never be alone at home. My mom goes to work all day long and I stay with my grandparents during the day. And they take turns to go out to run errands so in that way one of them is with me at home!
And forget about vacations! Not for us!
Have a great weekend!
Kisses and hugs

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